Karen Christiansen
“We are a people who choose.”
Worship Leader: Carole Hawkins
Accompanist: Eileen Morrison
Special Music: Job Meiller
About Our Service:
We’re not a “chosen people” nor are we “people whose choices are made for us by theological authorities.” Where do we stand on choosing justice? We invite the Spirit of Life to come and “move in the hand, giving life the shape of Justice” in a song we sing most Sundays. What about choosing justice in Jacksonville?
About Our Speaker:
An educator for 31 years in Ohio, Karen Christiansen attended Meadville Lombard, our UU seminary in Chicago, from 2008-2010, and completed Clinical Pastoral Education training at the University of Chicago Hospitals where she became a chaplain. Now retired, Karen is enjoying cooking with her grandson each week, reading great stuff with two book clubs, caring for 3 cats and a dog, enjoying the kids in religious education here at BBUUC, and loving the Heart to Heart group where they share Heart to Heart. She and her husband Ken are both involved with ICARE, which is the Interfaith Coalition for Action, Rehabilitation, and Empowerment.
About Justice with ICARE:
Karen is passionate about what that group has done for justice in the past, for listening to all 37 churches involved in bringing more justice to Duval County, and in looking for expansion to restorative justice in schools. They also partner with and hope to assist the Northwest Jacksonville Community Development Corporation with finding the means to open a grocery on property already owned, permitted, and partially developed on Moncrief, southeast of the intersection with Myrtle. The overall goal includes the development of space and support services for 30 small business entrepreneurs in the same building or adjacent buildings. A food desert is something to both rage about and try to solve. This year’s State and Criminal Justice Reform Committee will be working with our nine sister organizations across Florida to identify a state-wide problem within the criminal justice system that we can tackle together. The goal is to identify a problem to address by June 2019. Justice can take a while to appear, but it sure feels good when the injustice turns around and people can once again feel they’re being treated justly!
About our Musician:
Job Meiller has loved the guitar for many years. It’s usually in the car, tuned up and ready to play. He is often found livening up parties or local cafes with his rich baritone voice, interesting repertoire and guitar chords. And Job is always ready to help out with a song!