Waking Up from the American Dream

Rev. Dr. Fred Wooden will present

 “Waking Up from the American Dream”

With Linda Mowers as Worship Leader

Fred writes: “Well, we have a new administration, but if you think that now our national crisis is over, think again. What we are facing as a nation are issues that have been around for a long time.  And dealing with them is spiritual more than political. So, this is not a political sermon any more than Harry Truman ‘gave ’em hell.’ And it is not about them but us.”

About our Guest Speaker:

Fred Wooden is the interim minister for Valley UU Congregation in Chandler AZ, having served forty years as a UU clergyperson in four UU churches from Massachusetts to Texas to Brooklyn, and one independent liberal church in Michigan. He helped write the gray hymnbook, has written several pieces for UU World, hosted a radio program for seven years, and in 2018 ran (unsuccessfully of course) for Congress. He met his wife Wendy in the 4th grade. They have two grown sons, one of which is a private investigator and the other a successfully elected county commissioner.



During this time of social distancing, when in-person worship has been suspended, BBUUC will continue our weekly worship in video format that you can find on YouTube each Sunday morning at the “BBUUC Video” channel. Simply subscribe to the channel on YouTube, and watch our weekly worship services, modified for video viewing until we can resume gathering together for worship in our church sanctuary. The worship videos will remain on the site for viewing at your convenience. New services are posted at 6 A.M. on Sunday mornings.

We invite you to submit your Joys and Concerns via email to office@bbuuc.org by Tuesday at noon of each week for inclusion in the upcoming Sunday’s worship service. Please note “J&C” in the subject line. For your privacy, we will share our Joys and Concerns using first names and last initials only.