Donna Zimmerman will lead our service with a message by Dr. Jeffrey Nall entitled “What Would Susan B. Anthony Do?: Insights of Our Feminist Foremothers”
August 18, 2020 marks the 100-year anniversary of the feminist movement’s success in winning the right to vote in the United States. On the eve of this milestone, Dr. Jeffrey Nall, adjunct professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, argues that our feminist foremothers’ achievement merits more than complacent commemoration. Their insight and experience remain timely and instructive as our nation reels from the merciless killing of George Floyd and continues to combat intersecting injustices. The best way to honor the centennial of the 19th Amendment is to exemplify our feminist foremothers’ wisdom and excellence, in our own efforts to create a more just society in the 21st century.

Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D. is an engaged citizen, father, and professor. He teaches philosophy and humanities courses for Indian River State College and the University of Central Florida. Nall also teaches courses in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Florida Atlantic University. For more info on Nall’s work go to