Video Service: Survival — Love and Loss in the Time of Corona

Lee Plumb will lead our service with a message by Rev. Patricia Ray entitled “Survival—Love and Loss in the Time of Corona” 

As we move into a new wave here in Florida, are you suffering from CIF (Corona Isolation Fatigue)? A sermon on surviving change and making new connections.

About our speaker:
The Reverend Patricia (Pat) Ray has been a UU for 32 years and a member of Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church for 19.  A Registered Nurse with a Masters’ degree in Public Administration, she has served in all roles on the BBUUC Board and several committees.   An interfaith minister, she attended Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, and Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Baptist Hospital South.  Living her own faith path as a Universalist Christian, she currently facilitates the Christian Fellowship, and serves as a Chaplain and facilitator of the Pastoral Care Team for BBUUC.  She is a registered healer with the International Natural Healers Association (INHA), Reiki Master, and member of the Association of Professional Chaplains.

During this time of social distancing, when in-person worship has been suspended, BBUUC will continue our weekly worship in video format that you can find on YouTube each Sunday morning at the “BBUUC Video” channel. Simply subscribe to the channel on YouTube, and watch our weekly worship services, modified for video viewing until we can resume gathering together for worship in our church sanctuary. The worship videos will remain on the site for viewing at your convenience. New services are posted at 6am on Sunday mornings.

We invite you to submit your Joys and Concerns via email to by Tuesday at noon of each week for inclusion in the upcoming Sunday’s worship service. Please note “J&C” in the subject line. For your privacy, we will share our Joys and Concerns using first names and last initials only.