Samhain: Honoring the Ancestors

Rachel Roesch and Mikenzie Paisley
(Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)
In collaboration with BBUUC Worship, present
“Samhain: Honoring the Ancestors”
Jennifer Bacmeister, Worship leader
Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist
Debby Jones, Voice, Special Music


Note –  Youth are invited to attend this service!

The Wheel of the Year reaches its pinnacle on October 31, All Hallow’s Eve at Samhain (pronounced SOW-in or SAH-win), a Gaelic word meaning “summer’s end,” the start of the Celtic New Year. This is the mid-point between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice on December 21. It is a Celtic tradition at Samhain to honor nature, life, and rebirth and celebrate our Ancestors and Beloved Dead. It is a time when we honor those who have passed before us and enter into a season of introspection. The veil between the worlds is believed to be thin, and spirits can pass through. Join BBUUC in honoring the Ancestors in this special Sunday service. Please bring a photo or memento representing your departed loved one(s) to place in honor upon the memorial altar. People of all faiths, paths, traditions, and religions are warmly welcomed. Learn about Samhain’s place at year-end in the Wheel of the Year, the annual cycle of seasonal festivals modern Pagans observe. What wisdom can we take from observing the end of the harvest season and the thinning veil between this world and beyond? During the fellowship, special refreshments will be offered to celebrate this time of year.

About BBUUC Member, Singer Debby Jones
Debby is a long-time member. She is a retired teacher of 30 years and enjoys travel, reading, and, of course, singing! Debby has six grandchildren and four cats.