The BBUUC Worship Team is taking a 4-week Sabbatical from weekly worship duties between Sunday, July 18 through Sunday, August 8. For four Sundays, we will find time to rest and rejuvenate from our weekly work to provide virtual Sunday Worship Services and Live Zoom Fellowships, with the intention to return in August refreshed and renewed. This will give our staff and minister time for vacation, as well as our volunteer Team members.
We will have new virtual services beginning August 15 through September 5. Each will be followed by our live Zoom fellowship time at 11:30 AM.
Following Labor Day, on Sunday, September 12, we will return to our physical sanctuary and resume live Sunday Services with appropriate safety precautions. We will adjust the precautions following CDC guidelines as status of the pandemic changes. Watch for more details in August about the in-person worship protocols and expectations.
While we are on sabbatical, we encourage you to go back and check out some of the worship services that we have created since April of 2020 on our YouTube channel. Many of our members continued to hold home-based worship during the pandemic by viewing the services on Sunday morning, then joining the live Zoom fellowship at 11:30 AM. Some even gathered their friends and family to view the worship services on their televisions. With a smart TV and cable or an internet connection, many can pull up YouTube on their television screens. Others watch the services on their computer screens to enjoy a larger view for better images and sound. Even hand-held devices can keep you connected and inspired. New services are posted at 6:00 AM on Sunday mornings except for those weeks we are on Sabbatical.