David Dean presents
A sermon written by Rev. Joseph Cleveland,
Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs (NY)
“Listening for a Change”
Kris Kines, Worship leader
Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist
Mike Bernos, Guitar and Voice, Special Music
Depending on the kinds of privilege we have and don’t have, it is easier or harder to keep from having to listen to things we don’t want to. We don’t have to listen to everything. There are boundaries and choices to make about what and who we listen to. But to really listen, some of that listening needs to be challenging. There are challenging voices that need to be heard. And we need to challenge ourselves to listen…
About our Speaker
David Dean, a BBUUC member and an integral part of our Worship Team, is an Emmy-nominated editor who works as Senior Editor/Post-Producer for the PBS series “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” David is also a presenter, writer, and storyteller who volunteers his time as the editor of our worship videos and contributes his other talents in the worship arts to our ministry.
About the Sermon Author
The Reverend Joe Cleveland was called to be the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs in 2014. At the core of his theology are two beliefs: the sacred is present in everything, no matter how lowly; and everything is not only connected but interdependent. Rev. Joe graduated from Andover Newton Theological School in May 2012 and was ordained at the May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society in Syracuse on May 26, 2013. He served as a chaplain at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and completed his ministerial internship at the First Parish in Bedford, MA. He then served as Interim Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Michigan. Music is a large part of Rev. Joe’s life. He is an avid banjo and guitar player and sees music as one of many ways to explore life’s questions and create a deeper sense of community. Rev. Joe is also fascinated by science (he began college as a physics major) and poetry.
Before becoming a minister, Rev. Joe taught writing and literature at several colleges. In 2000 he founded the nonprofit organization The Folkus Project to bring folk and acoustic music to the Syracuse, NY, community.
Rev. Joe lives in Saratoga Springs with his wife Kristin.
About BBUUC Member, Musician Mike Bernos
Mike is an accomplished businessman, musician, producer, and writer. A singer/songwriter of many genres, he is the founder and plays with Spice & the Po Boys and AmpleAngst. Mike is a member of BBUUC, the husband of Annabelle Gallois-Bernos, and the father of Joachin.