President’s Message February 2024

After the hectic pace of the holiday season, I find that we are fully into the second half of the Church’s fiscal year. I hope everyone is having a good beginning to your new year. There are a variety of things to look forward to as we move through the coming months. The staff and volunteers are working hard to continue to make your experiences at BBUUC as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible. We are planning social events, fundraising events, educational events for all ages, as well as continuing with our high-quality in-person Sunday services. Your Board and Council are always open to any suggestions or ideas you may have. If you have any questions or interest in participating in the life of the church at any level, reach out to me or the office and we will get you the information you need.

Preparation for our annual Spring Stewardship Campaign has begun and the theme this year is a reflection of the tag line I have been using in my messages this year – “A Year of Stewardship – A Way of Life”. One of the major tenants of our theme is recognizing our ability to give back to the Church. It is important that we focus on funding for our thriving ministries and events, the maintenance of our facilities, continuing our tradition of compensating our staff according to UUA Fair compensation guidelines and providing support to community organizations that align with our values and can amplify our voices. We look to you to help BBUUC remain strong and vibrant.

Hope to see you at Sunday Services! And bring a friend.

Peace and Love.
