This week at BBUUC….
Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday morning! Be sure to “fall back” an hour before you tuck in on Saturday night!
Sunday, November 3 10:30am: “The Service of Memory”
Join the congregation in a UU ritual where we remember our loved ones who have passed. You are invited to bring a photograph or memento of your beloved (person or animal) and share briefly about them. Let everyone know the difference they made in your life and others. Photographs of our loved ones will be displayed on a table for the congregation to view.
During the service, memorial hymnal dedications will be presented.
Joys and Concerns may be shared from the altar just before the close of the service.
Led by Sarah Ritzmann and Accompanied by Eileen Morrison
Greeters: The Murrey-Settle Family
Fellowship Hosts: The Bauer/Novotny Family
Board Host: Carol Waters
Welcome Ambassador: Gina Norstedt
Audio Tech: Dale Crawford
Spirit Play Teacher: Joani Maskell
Spirit Play Doorkeeper: Sarah Clark Stuart
Elementary Teacher: Rachel Bauer
Teen Facilitators: Topher Christiansen, Chris Jarman and Michael Bernos
What’s happening at Church this week?
Sunday, November 3rd
9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room
10:30am Sunday Service
11:30am Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) holiday cards on sale!
11:45am Social Action Committee Meeting
12:15pm Lifespan Religious Education Parent Meeting – In the Sanctuary
Tuesday, November 5th
7:00pm Communications Committee Meeting
Wednesday, November 6th
7:00pm Beacon (Youth Group) – High School Room
Saturday, November 9th
10am – 3pm OWL Parent Meeting
Next Sunday, November 10th
9:45am: Coffee and Conversation
10:30am: Rev. Jack Ford will present “I Know You Are But What Am I? Part I – Humanism”
Ministering to Unitarian Universalists is challenging, rewarding, and very interesting. So many journeys. So much love and happiness and caring. And a willingness to be mixed up. Often we seem to be unsure of what we really ‘believe’, what label we choose to wear, if any. Defining our spiritual, religious, or philosophic endeavors is not easy for thinkers who promote “the right of conscience” and “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning” and such high hopes as these. Far easier to understand them. You know: those Christians meeting on Sunday morning (of course); those Pagans meeting somewhere; those Spiritualists taking over the ‘church’; those Humanists, wherever they are.
In this sermon series, Rev. Jack will explore the affinity groups, philosophies and movements which make up this great big bright umbrella called the Unitarian Universalist Association. Part One is a look at HUMANISM.
Joys and Concerns may be shared from the altar just before the close of the service.
Led by Kris Kines and Accompanied by Amber Rodriguez
Save the Date: Saturday, November 16th, ALL DAY LONG! Rev. Jack “Wolf” Ford is having a party to celebrate his 60th year and has invited all of his church family at BBUUC! It will be held at his home in East Palatka on the St. John’s River. There will be boating, games, oysters, music and a bonfire! See the November Journey for details and directions.