Do you ever think about squirrels, beyond the consideration of how to keep them away from your bird feeder? You might be surprised to learn that there is a National Squirrel Appreciation Day, celebrated on January 21. Back in 2001, wildlife rehabilitator Christy Hargrove of North Carolina created and promoted the observance to recognize squirrels, honor their role in ecosystems, and provide an opportunity for people to connect with nature. These rodents affect the environment wherever they live. By eating seeds and fruits, squirrels help control the growth of plants. Also, they are both predators and prey: in addition to seeds and fruit, their diet includes eggs, nestlings, insects, and amphibians; squirrels, in turn, are food for foxes, bobcats, hawks, and owls.
How should National Squirrel Appreciation Day be celebrated? Whether and how to celebrate is up to each individual. One option is to leave some extra nuts, seeds, and fruits on the back porch for the squirrels on their special day. Another choice is to research squirrels to the extent necessary to learn at least one new fact about them. Perhaps the most enjoyable commemoration would be spending part of the day relaxing in the yard or at a park, just watching their antics.
Happy National Squirrel Appreciation Day to all who celebrate!