This week at BBUUC….
Mar 16: The Worship Committee and the Lifespan Religious Education Committee present, “Claiming Power, Accepting Power, Allowing Forgiveness” a Multi-generational* Service
This worship will focus on recognizing the power we possess and the effects of that power on the world around us. Join us to be uplifted by stories of love, acceptance, and the power of forgiveness.
Led by Jeremy Ritzmann, Accompanied by Marilyn Smart
*Multi-generational means that ALL ages are invited to attend, from youngest to oldest. The Children and Teens will remain in the service this week. The nursery will still be available for children 3 years and younger.
What’s happening at Church this week?
BBUUC Members – remember to fill out the “virtual straw poll” on Survey Monkey that was sent to your individual email address!BOGO Food Drive, supported by BBUUYA (Buckman Bridge UU Young Adults) – in this case, “BOGO” means “Buy One, Give One”. When you shop the BOGO sales, buy one for yourself, and give one to help friends in need. Put your non-perishables in the box in the sanctuary. They will be used by BBUUYA to make one week survival kits which will be used to help those in our community who are in need.
Sunday, March 16th
• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room, Childcare and Coffee will be provided
• 10:30am (during the Service) OWL for 1st and 2nd Graders – High School Room
• 12:15pm Choir of the Moment – Sanctuary
Monday, March 17th
• 6:00pm First Coast Freethought Society meets in the Sanctuary – BBUUC congregants are invited to attend.
Tuesday, March 18th
• 7:00pm Worship Committee Meeting – Elementary Room
• 7:00pm Welcoming Congregation Ministry – Middle School Room
Wednesday, March 19th
• 7:00pm BEACON – High School Room
• 7:00pm Newcomer Class – Middle School Room
• 7:00pm BBUUYA – Elementary Room
Thursday, March 20th
• 7:00pm Religious Texts and Society – Elementary Room
Sunday, March 23rd
• 9:00am BBUU Christian Fellowship – Middle School Room
• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room, Childcare and Coffee will be provided
• 12:00pm Membership Committee Meeting – Elementary Room
• 12:00pm Social Action Committee Meeting – Middle School Room
We are looking forward to seeing you this week!