June 1: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….

June 1: Rev. Pat Ray presents “Let it Be”

The term “prayer” comes from Latin meaning “to request”, and is also the root for the word “precarious.” So, in a sense, prayer means to ask for help in precarious times. Most Sundays we invite you to share in prayer with contemplation or meditation as you will. What does that mean for a Unitarian Universalist? Can prayer be effective or useful when used without a solid theist frame? From whom are we asking for help?
This is the second in a series that started earlier in September 2013 with “Salvation to Damnation?” I invite you to listen to that sermon here  if you were unable to attend.

Led by: Ron Rothberg ● Accompanied by: Gary Smart


What’s happening at Church this week?


Sunday, June 1st

• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room
• 12pm Social Action Committee Meeting – Elementary Room


Tuesday, June 3rd

• 7:00pm Public Relations Committee Meeting – Middle School Room


Wednesday, June 4th

• 7:00pm BEACON – High School Room
• 7:00pm “Painting the Human Condition: Four Pioneering Painters” – Sanctuary


Thursday, June 5th

• 10am Comfort Crafts Affinity Group – Panera Bread in Mandarin – Please contact Lisa Cromar at uulisac@gmail.com


Saturday, June 7th

• Teen Enrichment Trip begins early in the morning – please contact Dani Slader at dre@bbuuc.org if you have any questions


Sunday, June 8th

• 9:30am Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by BBUUYA
• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room
• 10:30am OWL Celebration for 1st and 2nd Graders – High School Room
• 12pm Caring Committee Meeting – Elementary Room


We are looking forward to seeing you this week!