We know spring is here and summer is ready to begin when we can go Blueberry Picking! Nothing is more fun than to get those huge, juicy, delicious blueberries, right off the bush, and pop them in your mouth! The Spirit play children and Elementary Children will be going on this outing on June 14th after noon. Please join us! The children will also go on a few adventures including but not limited to swimming at Joani Maskell’s pool, having pizza for dinner, playing games & watching movies at the church, as well as a SLEEPOVER! Yes, parents it’s true…..we will take your children for the entire afternoon and evening and return them to you in the morning just in time for you to enjoy blueberry pancakes with us at church! Please email Dani at dre@bbuuc.org if you would like to sign your children up. All are welcome to join us for blueberry picking! Location will be determined. If you know of a good place, please let us know
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