This week at BBUUC….
February 24: UU Rev. Carmen Emerson will present: “First World Problems & Getting to Heaven”
It has been said that Unitarian Universalism is a class-bound faith. Is this true, or a “self-fulfilling prophecy”? Together
we’ll consider privilege, classism, and living our UU faith in 21st Century Beloved Community.
Led by: Linda Mowers •
Accompanied by Gary Smart
What’s Happening at Church this week?
Sunday, February 24
- Following Service: Sundae Sunday by the BEACON teens, raising money for their trip to the District Assembly in April
- 12pm Hospitality Committee Meeting
- 12pm UU Christians Fellowship Meeting
- 12:45pm Make Up meeting for OWL Parents of 4th-6th Graders
Tuesday, February 26
- 7pm Board Meeting
- 7pm BBUUYA
- 7pm CUUPS
Wednesday, February 27
- 7pm BEACON
- 7pm CUUPS
Friday, February 28
- 7pm Evensong for Families (Registration for this class is closed)
Saturday, February 23
- BBUUYA First Saturday Fun (Please speak with a member of BBUUYA for more information!)
We are looking forward to seeing you this week!