Family Religious Education, November

Family Religious Education, Sundays, 10:00-11:00 am

The Whole Family is invited to attend together and connect via Zoom for Family RE. Prepare to find the sacred and the silly as we walk this road together. For the month of November, we’re exploring the many ways our UU faith invites us to become “A People of Healing.” Our faith tells us we have the courage to face these times, and can practice the skills needed for healing history, healing with gratitude, and healing with service to others.  

Nov 1- Don’t Run Away from the Hard Work of Healing!

Nov 8- Let Gratitude Heal You 

Nov 15- Listen Before You Try to Help and Heal Others (2nd Principle)

Nov 22- Heal by Telling the Truth…of Thanksgiving (Anti-Racism, 4th and 8th UU Principles)

Nov 29- Find Ways to Comfort Yourself.   

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