Leadership UnWorkshop

Saturday, November 10, 2018
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

If you were in charge, how would you…

Run an effective meeting? Recruit volunteers? Implement right relations?

 Discover How Our Church’s Top Experts do Leadership

At BBUUC’s First

Leadership UnWorkshop

Where YOU are the Agenda

Sat., Nov. 10, 10 a.m. – noon

Whether you’re currently a leader, a volunteer, or merely leadership curious, we welcome you to a morning of facilitated conversations, led by a panel of our church’s top leaders, on how things really get done at BBUUC.

Featuring a Keynote Panel Discussion on:

How to Handle Difficult Behavior in a Meeting
With Chris Jarman, Ken Christiansen, Eileen Morrison, Linda Mowers

Followed by breakout sessions built around your leadership questions. Not sure what you want to talk about? Here are some ideas:

  • Why do covenants matter and who’s using them effectively?
  • Do we have to take minutes at our meetings? What should we write down?
  • Roberts Rules: Helpful, or a complete drag?
  • Is everybody apathetic or what? How do we engage volunteers?
  • Who’s going to do this job after I’m gone?

Don’t be afraid to join us: WE WILL NOT PUNISH YOU BY MAKING YOU A LEADER JUST BECAUSE YOU CAME! This workshop is our gift to you, to help support whatever your volunteer, management or leadership interests may be, within or outside of church.

What is an UnWorkshop anyway?

An UnWorkshop has no agenda. Instead, participants write out the questions and topics they’d like to cover on sticky notes at registration. Organizers set up sessions on the fly around your ideas. There will be thought leaders available who will participate in the discussions led by our group facilitators.

Get answers to your real questions about how to lead. The UnWorkshop will follow the law of two feet—If you’re not getting what you need from your session, walk away and join another one.

~ Brought to you by the BBUUC Leadership Development Team

Location: Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church
