Category: Upcoming Events

Feb 9: 8:30am Pancake Breakfast

Come out for a pancake breakfast!  Our Religious Education Teen Enrichment Trip fund benefits from this fundraiser.  Our teens are going to General Assembly in Rhode Island this year!  The goal is to raise enough money to cover the costs of everyone who is going on the trip!

Feb 5: 7pm BEACON

Our youth group focuses on youth empowerment.  Ages 12-18 welcome.  The youth lead the way in this ministry.

Jan 4: 7pm Board Meeting

Our Board of Directors usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month.  Last week they had so much to discuss, they have scheduled an extra meeting to finish the business they weren’t able to complete.

Jan 29: 7pm BEACON

BEACON is a youth-led group whose goal is youth empowerment – helping our teens find their voices in the world and encouraging them to become leaders. They meet in the High School Room.