Mar 16: 10:30am (during the Service) New Member Ceremony
Join our congregation in celebration as we welcome our newest members!
Join our congregation in celebration as we welcome our newest members!
Although this supportive gathering is aimed at parents whose children are attending OWL right now, any parent may participate. It is a chance to talk about the joys and challenges of raising our kids in the open and honest atmosphere of the UU church.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, or just would like to learn more about Buckman Bridge UU Church and our denomination, you are invited to attend this three part class. The other two classes will be held on March 19 and March 26th. Please email Gina Norstedt, Membership Committee Chair, … Continue reading Mar 12: 7pm Newcomer Class
The BBUUC Lunch Bunch meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30am, at Pengree’s Restaurant in Orange Park (556 Kingsley Avenue) for food and fellowship. All are welcomed to join us! Please contact Frances Kennicutt or Beth Christiansen, the office administrator, at if you plan to join us, so that a table … Continue reading Mar 12: 11:30am Lunch Bunch at Pengrees
Our Teens are raising money for their Teen Enrichment Trip by serving up Sundaes!
More Information To Come. Members are encouraged to attend.
Join us beginning Thursday, February 27th, for an engaging Religious Education offering of Articulating Your UU Faith. This course “guides participants through a series of easy and engaging exercises–personal reflection, role-play, discussion… that equip them to communicate their liberal religious ideals.” Articulating is a great exercise for both new UUs and those who are very … Continue reading Mar 6: 7pm Articulating Your UU Faith
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Beacon is a youth organization associated with the Unitarian Universalist Florida District. Formerly called YRUU. BEACON is a community of youth aged 12-20. We meet independently of the Sunday Religious Education classes on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm. In our meetings, we plan for CONs (CONferences, hosted by differenct BEACON groups throughout the state of Florida), … Continue reading Mar 5: 7pm BEACON
More information to come. Members are encouraged to attend!