Category: DRE Dwellings

November’s Bringing it Home

Cultivating a spirit of gratitude has proven to lower stress and lead people toward a more optimistic world view and greater life satisfaction. What better day to cultivate a spirit of gratitude than Thanksgiving? It is the perfect time to focus on our blessings. Materials: Construction paper Scissors Hole punch Markers/crayons/pencils Yarn A tree or … Continue reading November’s Bringing it Home

Why the Wonder Box?

  The Wonder Box technique of storytelling was created by the Reverend Christina Leone-Tracy, senior minister of the Fox Valley UU Fellowship in Appleton, WI. This interactive way of sharing the story for all ages, integrates the message of the Wonder Box into the theme of the service. “Wonder” can be a noun and a … Continue reading Why the Wonder Box?

October’s Bringing it Home: Encouraging Children’s Spirituality

Spiritual practices come naturally to children. Spiritual practices are time-honored ways that people use to get closer to the sacred; to family, friends, and community; and to the world around them. They can teach children and adults about being present, enthusiasm, imagination, play, and wonder—to name just a few. Here are some ideas for how … Continue reading October’s Bringing it Home: Encouraging Children’s Spirituality

August~ Bring it Home

  Creating a Family Covenant Family covenants have a lot of potential.  Used with younger children, the covenant serves as a deeper lesson about compromise and demonstrates our religious values lived in the home.  Used with teens, the covenant helps shift power dynamics through the co-creation of agreements.   Family covenants guide us to intentionality around … Continue reading August~ Bring it Home


  “Covenant is a promise I keep to myself, about the kind of person I want to be, the kind of life I mean to have, together with other people, and with all other living things.” ~Victoria Safford, from the article Bound in covenant from UU World magazine, summer 2013.   At the beginning of … Continue reading Covenant