Category: Adult RE Classes

June 11: Reproductive Justice

Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church Join Us Tuesdays June 4th through June 18th @ 7 pm For Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling Congregational Study/Action Issue Facilitators: Rev Pat Ray and Sarah Ritzman As Unitarian Universalists, we are the inheritors of a 50-year history of reproductive rights advocacy of which we should be very … Continue reading June 11: Reproductive Justice

June 4: Reproductive Justice

Join Us Tuesdays May 26 through June 18th @ 7 pm Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling A Congregational Study/Action Issue Facilitators: Rev Pat Ray and Sarah Ritzman Rooting us in our religious history and theological callings, this six-week curriculum outlines the distinctions between reproductive “health,” “rights,” and “justice”; opens awareness of reproductive oppressions; … Continue reading June 4: Reproductive Justice

May 28: Reproductive Justice

Join Us Tuesdays May 26 through June 18th @ 7 pm Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling A Congregational Study/Action Issue Facilitators: Rev Pat Ray and Sarah Ritzman Rooting us in our religious history and theological callings, this six-week curriculum outlines the distinctions between reproductive “health,” “rights,” and “justice”; opens awareness of reproductive oppressions; … Continue reading May 28: Reproductive Justice

May 14: Reproductive Justice

May 14 through June 18th Join Us For Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling Congregational Study/Action Issue Facilitators: Rev Pat Ray and Sarah Ritzman As Unitarian Universalists, we are the inheritors of a 50-year history of reproductive rights advocacy of which we should be very proud. We also share a strong commitment to racial … Continue reading May 14: Reproductive Justice

Mar 13: Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals

There will be a new Adult RE opportunity in March called “Understanding the Bible – A Basic Introduction for Religious  Liberals”. The group, facilitated by Mike Alexander, our DRE, will explore the bible’s history, structure, and our diverse  interpretations of its content. While we will be highlighting the book of Genesis, the old testament prophets … Continue reading Mar 13: Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals

Religious Education Opportunities

As the year of 2012 draws to a close, our RE committee and our new Director of Religious Education are preparing new curriculum for Adult Religious Education classes. Please check back or watch the monthly newsletter, The Journey, for RE offerings in the 2013 Winter/Spring/Summer.