This Week at BBUUC: November 18, 2012

This week at BBUUC….

November 18: Reverend Elizabeth Teal will present: “Sustainable: What Does it Mean?

 We hear the word “sustainable” so often now. The first thing that comes to mind is often energy – we think of gasoline – or how we power our electric plants – but sustainability is much much more – and it applies to all our personal as well as our political and professional actions. What does it mean to live a sustainable lifestyle?

Led by: David Dean   Accompanied by Paul Marquardt

Our Greeters are Anna and Simon Strickland.
Our Fellowship Hosts are Amber Rodriguez and Rachel Bauer.
Our Board Host is Stephen McCullar.
Our Welcome Ambassador is Jen Glassman.
Our Spirit Play Teacher is Wendy Deck.
Our Spirit Play Doorkeeper is Joann Carollo.
Our Elementary Teacher is Annabelle Gallois Bernos.
Our Teen Advisors are Ariel Cook and Dani Slader.


What’s Happening at Church this week?

Sunday, November 18

  • 9:15am LRE Meeting
  • 12pm Meeting about our Annual Retreat

Tuesday, November 20

  • 7pm Finance Meeting
  • 7pm Worship Meeting

Wednesday, November 21

  • 7pm BEACON
  • 7pm Reclaiming Spiritual Language
  • 7pm Comfort Shawl Affinity Group Meeting

Thursday, November 22

  • 1pm Thanskgiving Dinner served!



We are looking forward to seeing you this week!