Aug 21: Visual Art and Spirituality

Can great art enrich your spiritual life? 

Find out during our August series: “Spirituality and Visual Art”.

We will explore great works of painting, drawing, and sculpture, from ancient Assyria to the late 20th century .These interactive sessions, led by Linda Crawford, will ask questions like :

·         How can we experience a spiritual “moment “from a work of art ?

·         What makes a work spiritual?

·         Do the artist’s intentions have anything to do with it?


The sessions will take place every Wednesday evening in August, from 7 ‘till 9 PM:

1.      August 7: Introduction: What defines spirituality in terms of visual art?

2.      August 14: Compassion in art: How does an artist demonstrate compassion?

3.      August 21: Vincent Van Gogh: How did the artist manifest his spiritual beliefs in his paintings, and why do they elicit such a powerful response in many of us?

4.      August 28: The Natural World: How do landscapes and intimate nature studies invoke a spiritual response in us? (This last session will be led with Nikki Bak, who teaches both art and art history)


Your discussion leader: Linda Crawford holds advanced degrees in Art History, and is a watercolorist.

Please sign up at church if you plan to attend this workshop, or contact