April 28: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….


April 28: Bob Deyle will present: “Beyond Apocaloptimism: Faith and Hope in the Face of Climate Change”.

Climate change is happening and some predictions of its impacts border on the apocalyptic. Do you have faith that humanity will somehow avoid ecological and social calamity? Where can we find hope that the world our children and our children’s children will inherit is one that can sustain them?


Led by: Linda Crawford • Accompanied by Gary Smart


About Our April 28th Speaker:

Bob Deyle and his wife Trudy have been members of UU Church of Tallahassee, where they raised their two children, Anna and Ethan, since 1991. Bob plans to retire in August from a position on the faculty at Florida State

University where he teaches environmental planning. He has done research on climate change adaptation and coastal hazards since the late 1980s and has taught a graduate seminar on climate change for the past five years. He characterizes his theology as agnostic humanist with a panentheist

conception of mystery.


Bob’s talk today has been simmering since he first offered his climate change seminar and realized himself what a grave future is unfolding. He did not want to leave his students with a sense of futility and despair.




Our Greeters are Staci and Joe Cologero

Our Fellowship Host is The Hospitality Committee

Our Board Host is Chris Bak

Our Welcome Ambassador is Dani Slader

Our Spirit Play Teacher is Debbie Atkins

Our Elementary Teacher is Marilyn Smart

Our Teen Advisors are Dani Slader and Ariel Cook


What’s Happening at Church this week?


Saturday, April 27

·        8am-2pm BBUUC Rummage Sale


Sunday, April 28

·        9am Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship


Tuesday, April 30

·        8pm CUUPS


Wednesday, May 1

·        7pm BEACON


Thursday, May 2

·        7pm Cakes for the Queen of Heaven




Please remember to bring in your filled out pledge cards.  If you have not received one and you are a member, please see Beth Christiansen for yours.  If you are not a member but wish to make a pledge, there are pledge brochures on the entrance table.  The Finance Committee would greatly appreciate timely return of the pledge cards!  Thank you.


We are looking forward to seeing you this week!