This week at BBUUC….
April 20: Easter Sunday Service and Flower Communion
Celebrate the season with a multigenerational service honoring Easter, rebirth, and Spring! We will share in the distinctly Unitarian Universalist tradition of the Flower Communion, and our children will decorate the egg tree. This service will also be followed by a Potluck and Egg Hunt.
What is a Flower Communion?
The Flower Communion ceremony is usually held in spring, involves members of the congregation bringing a flower to Sunday worship service and placing it on an altar or in a shared vase. The flowers are blessed by the minister or congregation and the sermon usually reflects upon the flowers’ symbolism. At the end of the service, each person brings home a flower other than the one that he or she brought.
The Flower Communion is intended to symbolize the way in which, just as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has a contribution to make to the community. This is a wonderful way to affirm and celebrate our Unitarian Universalist faith and the spiritual community we create when we join together in our congregations.
Flower Communion was originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek, who founded the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia. The service was later brought to the United States by his wife, Maya.
(Information from
Led by: The Worship Team ● Accompanied by: Gary Smart
What’s happening at Church this week?
Do you have a good shape prom dress you’ve been keeping for decades, and wondering why? How about a tuxedo that doesn’t fit? Or a suit you don’t wear any more because it doesn’t match your Birkenstock?
Well now’s your chance to pass on those and any other accessory items to a new home (think ties, gloves, etc.). There will be a collection box in the back of the sanctuary for the next three Sundays, 4/19, 4/26 and 5/2, for donations to Jasmyn’s Alternative Prom.
The Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network is a non-profit youth services organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth ages 13-23, in Jacksonville, Florida.Saturday, April 19th
• 10:00am-4:00pm Earth Day Celebration – Jacksonville Landing
Sunday, April 20th
• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room
• 12:00pm Easter Potluck and Easter Egg Hunt – Sanctuary
Tuesday, April 22nd
• 7:00pm Board Meeting – Elementary Room
• 7:00pm Program Committee Meeting – Office
Wednesday, April 23rd
• 2:00pm Afternoon Tea – at the home of Grace Repass – You are invited to our next BBUUC afternoon tea, this coming Wednesday, April 23 at 2 PM . The tea will be held at the home of Grace Repass, in the Mandarin area. This is a time to relax, chat, taste some delicious goodies, and, of course, sip tea. For details and directions, please see Linda Crawford.
• 7:00pm BEACON – High School Room
• 7:00pm “Behind the Kitchen Door” Discussion Group – Sanctuary
• 7:00pm BBUUYA – Middle School Room – Buckman Bridge UU Young Adults
Friday, April 25th
• BEACON Lock-In
Sunday, April 27th
• 9:00am UUCF – Middle School Room – UU Christian Fellowship
• 9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room
• 10:30am OWL for 1st and 2nd Graders – High School Room
• 12:00pm Membership Committee Meeting – Elementary Room
• 12:00pm Caring Committee Meeting – High School Room
• 12:00pm Lifespan Religious Education Committee Meeting – Middle School Room