A Listening Heart

Donna Zimmerman presents
a sermon written by
Rev. Amy Russell
Assistant Minister of First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton (NY)
“A Listening Heart”
Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship leader
Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist, and Special Music/Piano

“Learning how to listen is learning how to love.” What a wonderful idea. That is, if we learned how to listen without an agenda, without preparing ourselves for our response back, without judgment, we could love better. How many times in our families do we really do this? Sit down and listen to our partner, to our children? Or to a friend who might really need it?…”

About our Speaker
Donna Zimmerman is a long-time resident of Jacksonville who had a “timeout” for a mere 18 years in Dallas, where she found the UU church there.  Her background is in social services, and she was the Executive Director of Lutheran Social Services of NE Florida where she started several programs, including the first HIV/AIDS services in the region provided by a professional organization.   She is retired and spends her time on the Worship Committee and as a Chaplain on the Pastoral Care Team.

About the Sermon Author
Rev. Amy Russell is an Assistant Minister at First UU of Richmond. Before coming to First UU in 2021, she served UU Community Church in Glen Allen. She has been in ministry for 22 years at UU churches in Maryland, Ohio, and Virginia. She is partially retired and loves spending time with her grandchildren and writing fiction.
About BBUUC Member, Musician Dr. Gary Smart
Gary is a Presidential Professor of Music at the University of North Florida. His career has encompassed a wide range of activities as composer, classical and jazz pianist, and teacher. He composes and improvises music that reflects an abiding interest in Americana, jazz, world music, and Western classical tradition. He has performed in major venues in the United States, Europe, and Asia. His “Concordia” for orchestra won the Concordia Jazz Competition Award and premiered at Lincoln Center, New York. Dr. Smart has spent two residencies in Japan, teaching programs at Osaka University and Kobe College. He has also taught in Indonesia as a “Distinguished Lecturer” for the Fulbright program.