On September 28 and 29, UUs across the nation have the opportunity to participate in a UU Climate Justice Revival, with the theme, “Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era.” It remains to be seen exactly what the details of the revival will be, but the idea of turning away from an “extractive age” refers to leaving behind practices of simply taking the natural resources of the Earth, as if they belong to us and to us exclusively, with no regard for future generations, and without any notion of responsibility. When I read about the notion of exiting the extractive age, I’m reminded of the words of Chief Seattle: “The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.”
The Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry is one of the participating organizations in the Climate Justice Revival. UU President Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt has issued a statement connecting several movements with the climate justice movement. One of her assertions is that the work of climate justice is animal rights work. That statement seems to arise from a deep understanding of the relationship between animals and climate. Of course, animals will suffer just as humans will – probably more so – if climate change and sea level rise continue unabated, because their environment will continue to degrade. In addition, Humane Society International estimates that animal agriculture, including methane emissions and rainforest clear-cutting for pastureland, is responsible for approximately 16.5% of greenhouse gases globally. We ignore the connection between animal rights and climate justice at our own peril, not to mention the ongoing peril and suffering of our sentient animal kin. Have you ever tried the plant-based “faux” meats? The Beyond products are my favorites. Maybe you’ll want to give them (or some other plant-based foods) a try as part of your participating in the Climate Justice Revival. You can find them in the cooler section and freezer section of your favorite grocery store. Let me know what you think!