Article II Discussion

Sunday, October 8, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

You’re Invited to a Town Hall Discussion
of UUA Article II Proposed Changes

facilitated by the BBUUC Board
Sunday, Oct. 8 at noon in the sanctuary

UU churches will vote next year on a proposal to completely rewrite Article II of the UUA’s bylaws, updating it to reflect what the UUA stands for today.  Article II is where the seven principles and six sources are found. Some of the language from the seven principles is reflected in a new section on values and covenants, but we would not have the seven principles as they stand now. The six sources would change significantly.

The Article II update moved forward at this year’s the General Assembly, which puts it on the agenda for a final vote at next year’s GA. The Board would like our church members to weigh in, so our delegates are aware of your wishes when they vote next summer.

Join us Oct. 8 to discuss!

Here is a link to see the Current and Proposed Article II “side by side”:  HERE

Note: This wording is not finalized and subject to updates.

Below are links to education and opinion materials* for your reference and review:


* Opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not represent an endorsement by the BBUUC Board.

