Beginning in October, BBUUC Worship, along with other Unitarian Universalist Congregations across our Association, will adapt a program of monthly themes from “Soul Matters.” Our Lifespan Religious Education program has been participating in this program, and now, Worship has joined in to make it a journey that our whole church takes together. Soul Matters is a monthly series of resources for our congregation based around specific themes, which focus on a spiritual value that our UU faith has historically honored and calls all of us to embody in our lives. These themes are lifted up in resources for worship, small groups, families, music, youth groups and children’s religious education. Using themes will allow us to explore them in depth, sharing common spiritual journeys each month.
Our theme for the month of October is Cultivating Relationship. Our programming will center on various aspects of relationships. Relationships with our pastoral caregivers, with our beloved animal companions, with our community and our own mental health during the time of Covid. We’ll delve into nurturing relationships in our community, including truly welcoming people at risk, and discovering our own relationship with the interdependent Web of All Existence – our Seventh Principle.