COSM November 2020_Summary

November 2019 – Long Range Planning Committee’s May report to Board led to need to educate Board.

December 2019 – Rev. Carmen Emerson (our Affiliated Community Minister) advised Board and key leaders about types of UU ministers and introduced the UU concept of “Partners in Shared Ministry.”

February 2020 – Board met with Christine Purcell, UUA Transitions Program Manager, to discuss best type of minister for BBUUC and formally enter our search for a half time Contract Minister.

March 2020 – Began drafting lengthy Congregational Record for our Ministerial Search application.

April 2020 – Leadership diverted attention to meet BBUUC’s immediate needs due to Covid-19.

May 2020 – Returned to completing Congregational Record (CR) for our Search application.

June 2020 – Published CR in UUA Search system and agreed to consider remote virtual ministry.

July 2020 – Search Committee reviewed minister applicants.

August 2020 – Board approved and congregation voted to hire Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos.