Dr. Mark Yount
“The ‘Uh Oh’ Antidote”
Worship Leader: Meghan Kaminsky
Accompanist: Marilyn Smart
Special Music by Michael Bernos
As our leaders invite rancor and our culture becomes ever more toxic, recall the adage, “Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to get sick.” Can I avoid swallowing the poison in today’s world, even in my personal life? Perhaps my granddaughter’s toddler perspective offers a clue: “Uh oh!”
About our Speaker:
Since joining BBUUC in 1997, Dr. Mark Yount has given over 100 sermons, chaired several committees, served on the Board as Vice President, and served throughout most of his years here as Youth Adviser, one of his great passions. Mark has a Ph.D. in Philosophy and taught college philosophy courses for many years. He has also worked in the fields of addiction treatment administration and helping homeless/at-risk people apply for disability benefits. He is writing a book entitled “Wisdom on the Way: Life, Truth and Spirit Beyond the Culture Wars.”
About our Special Musician:
Musician and BBUUC Member Michael Bernos is a singer/songwriter whose songs appear on Spotify and Pandora. He has produced several EPs, including his most recent, “Thunder and Rain.” You can catch Michael at various venues around Northeast Florida with his band Spice and the Po’ Boys.