Perhaps our most intractable divisions reduce to this one: conservatives trust in the past; progressives trust in the future. What will it take for us, together, to secure from our past the best foundations to build a better future? Let’s turn from the reflexive oppositions of politics to reflective positions of philosophy on three crucial areas of promise: the life we share, the truth we need, and the more-than-rational spirit of a greater purpose.
About our speaker:
Since joining BBUUC in 1997, Dr. Mark Yount has given over 100 sermons, chaired several committees, served on the Board as Vice President, and served throughout most of his years here as Youth Adviser, one of his great passions. Mark has a Ph.D. in Philosophy and taught college philosophy courses for many years. He works with Mental Health America of NE FL, helping homeless/at-risk people apply for disability benefits. He is writing a book entitled “Wisdom on the Way: Philosophy, Psychology, and Spirituality for the Next Generation.”
Worship Leader: Grace Repass
Accompanist: Sydney Crisp