Saturday, March 9, 2019
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Swimming Safari Swim School along with the Religious Education Committee, would like to invite everyone for our Water Safety & Free Swim Event on March 9th. We will be having demonstrations, film, and all sorts of information about water safety. After this, everyone is invited to go for a swim where we can practice some of these techniques in the water, as well as have free swim. Did I mention this is an indoor pool? Did I mention the temperature is 90 degrees? And did I mention it is Salt water, so it feels like a spa! Everyone is hungry after swimming, so hot, steaming pizza, will be waiting for you!
When: Saturday, March 9th
Where: Swimming Safari Swim School
4775 Windsor Commons Ct.
Jacksonville, FL 32224 (indoor heated saltwater pool)
Time: 4-6pm
Cost: Free
Program: 30 minutes of interactive discussion/film about water safety on land. 30-45 minutes of water safety and free swim time in the pool. Pizza at the end.
To register, contact Chris Jarman or 904-568-1522 or use the Sign-up sheet in the back of Sanctuary.
Location: Swimming Safari Swim School