This Week at BBUUC…June 30, 2013

This week at BBUUC….

 June 30: Members of our Congregation will present a collaborative service: Putting on Your UU Bifocals

 This service will discuss strategies to stay true to UU principles, when life throws us curveballs, inside and outside of our congregational lives.

 Led by: Sarah Ritzmann

 Accompanied by Gary Smart

  What’s happening at Church this week?


Sunday, June 30

·        9am Steering Committee Meeting

·        9am BBUUCF

·        9:30am FUNdraising Meeting

·        12pm Worship Committee Meeting

·        12pm Newcomer Class


Tuesday, July 2

·        7pm Public Relations Committee Meeting


Wednesday, July 3

·        7pm BEACON

·        7pm CUUPS – Paganism 101

Sunday, July 7

9am Membership Committee Meeting

12pm Bake sale for Oklahoma Tornado Victims

12pm Social Action Meeting


We are looking forward to seeing you this week!