August Bringing it Home

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and professional learning.  As part of my professional development, I spent July 6-14 at Religious Educators Week at the Mountain UU Learning and Retreat Center located In Highlands, North Carolina.  This retreat is hosted by the UU Southeast Liberal Religious Educators Association.  I spent the week with 36 other Directors of Religious Education from across the country. We were offered weeklong workshops on ‘Dismantling White Supremacy in Religious Education’ with Jess Hunt and Gail Forsyth-Vail; the Multicultural Renaissance Module (a credentialing requirement); and ‘Getting to the Heart’ using music that speaks to our common heart, with Pam Siegler of UUC of Huntsville- Music Director/ Certified Music Leader.  We were also treated to listening and learning from the incredible storyteller David Novak.  I am excited by the innovative RE ideas that DREs are bringing to our congregations and the incredible fellow UUs who offer their experience, professional support and friendships.