2025 Annual Pledge Drive
Your financial pledge and volunteer support are an INVESTMENT in this community and the future of liberal religion.
You can pledge using this BBUUC online form: //bit.ly/FY26PledgeForm
Invest in Our Faith, Our Community, Our Future!
Last year, 88 of our 147 members stepped forward in faith during our pledge drive, demonstrating their commitment to our church’s mission. We are grateful for the support of all members, including those who did not pledge but made contributions in other ways, whether it be time, talent, or treasure. This year, we are setting our sights higher—with a goal of 100% participation in pledging by the close of InvestFest month!
Giving is a powerful act of hope, unity, and belief in something greater than ourselves. Your pledge to this community is more than just a donation—it is a commitment to growth, compassion, and shared purpose. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps nurture a space of wisdom, inclusivity, and positive change. Together, we create a future built on generosity, service, and a deep respect for all.
We invite you to pledge an amount that reflects generosity within your household’s financial reality. This year, our Stewardship Team studied information shared among other congregations’ Stewardship Teams, including a guide similar to the one shown here, Give from the Heart: A Guide to Pledging, which we decided to share with you. It is not meant to be a judgment of anyone’s generosity.
To kick off this exciting time of giving, a generous member has covered the cost of InvestFest!
Join us for a joyful catered lunch from the North Florida School of Special Education on March 9. https://bit.ly/RSVPBBUUC
Then, as we celebrate the conclusion of this special month on March 30, we’ll enjoy pizza and raffle several gifts donated for the cause! Everyone who submits a pledge response by March 27 will be entered into the raffle!
Whether your pledge is large or small, every response matters.
Let’s make this year the year we reach 100%!
Your commitment—whether financial, through time and talent, or simply by letting us know your intentions—strengthens our ability to serve, worship, and grow together. Pledging isn’t only about numbers; it’s about faith in action. It allows us to plan our ministries, support our outreach, and sustain the programs that make our church a beacon of love and hope.
You can pledge using this BBUUC online form: //bit.ly/FY26PledgeForm
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our Church!
Volunteering is the best way to connect more deeply to our community, and allows you to find joy in serving. The best way to start or to update your previous input is to fill out our GIFTS OF SERVICE survey. In addition to your financial pledge, we hope you will consider a gift of your time and talent! https://bit.ly/BBUUCgoS.
BBUUC March InvestFest Calendar
Sunday, March 2:
Pledge Packets will be distributed at church for the first two Sundays of the month (2nd and 9th). Packets for those who aren’t in attendance either of these dates will be mailed. All pledge packet information and links will be in the March Journey, on our website, and emailed through Breeze.
Sunday, March 9: Stewardship Sunday!
Worship will present a Founders’ Day Service: “Celebrating the Past, Present, and Future.”
In celebration of Founders’ Day, we will celebrate our Unitarian Universalist roots and the founding and continuing story of our congregation.
The service will be followed by a joyful, catered Celebratory Lunch prepared and served by the North Florida School of Special Education. Come for the service and stay for the luncheon! RSVP’s are requested if you plan to attend so that we can accurately plan for the number of guests and ensure there are enough food, drinks, and seating arrangements for everyone attending.
You can RSVP at https://bit.ly/RSVPBBUUC.
Sunday, March 23:
Worship conducts our Annual Stewardship Worship Service with Jennifer Bacmeister delivering her sermon entitled “The Grace of Gratitude.”
Thursday, March 27:
Deadline for submitting your pledges to be eligible for the Stewardship Raffle drawings on March 30.
Sunday, March 30:
A celebration of the conclusion of InvestFest following the worship service, with PIZZA and the RAFFLE drawing, with winners receiving special gift baskets donated in appreciation for your investment in our congregation!